Ryan Murphy, Esq.


An attorney at Justice Law Collaborative, Ryan is deeply involved in both research and pretrial discovery. He brings 10 years of civil litigation and regulatory compliance experience to the firm after stints at Levi and Korsinsky, LLP and Marc Z Legal.

Ryan’s favored type of law is civil litigation involving civil rights, and his professional passion is steeped in an ability to analyze legal issues and determine proper paths to resolution. During his years of practice, he has steeled himself to never lose sight of the primary objective and to leverage core strength to ensure client success.

He has collaborated on cases against pharmaceutical companies bent on shareholder interests over human care and maintains a strong interest in personal injury and medical malpractice cases.

When not focusing on casework, Ryan enjoys fitness, reading, and attending his son’s baseball games.


  • Massachusetts Bar, 2020


  • Boston University School of Law, J.D. 2017

  • University of Massachusetts Boston, B.A. in Philosophy, 2012